Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My next baby is growing up

I have one off to college with the second one close at his heels. My daughter Katie is about ready to graduate and in a few short months head off to college. Right now she is planning to pursue Pharmacy. She just had her senior pictures taken this weekend and now we have a disc of 109 pictures that we need to narrow down to about 5! This is not gonna be easy. Here are a few of MY favorites....(which aren't necessarily her favorites or her fathers....**sigh**)


OziMum said...

She is gorgeous! A friend of mine is doing Pharmacy and loves it! I'm sure she'll be great at whatever she pursues! Thanks for sharing!

OziMum said...

Got your package today! THANK YOU! Check your yahoo email. Your verzion one came back to me?

Catherine said...

What a beautiful girl! Ugh...gonna be hard making your choices with so many great ones to choose from!