Friday, June 03, 2005

The Next Phase of Life

Tomorrow is Evan's graduation open house. He has graduated (yes-we have the diploma in hand) and tomorrow we celebrate. I am stressed (lots to do) and thoughtful at this time. On one hand I am reflecting on how fast time is flying by. It is hard to believe Evan will be moving on to the next phase of his life now. We have done our job of raising him and now we are just here for support and advice when he asks for it. Time really does fly by and reminds me of my mortality and if I am not careful how quickly time will pass me by.

Not much else to report on the adoption front. I am continuing to collect my quilt squares. I am hoping to start in the next month or so to put my quilt together. I am also involved in a postcard swap with others on my April list group. (These are other women (mostly) that are on the same timeline as I am with their adoptions and we should be traveling to China approximately the same time. They are a great group. We all seem to be going through the same thing at the same time. When noone else understands us (husband included) we can vent and scream to each other and we all understand where the others are coming from. Anyway, we are sending each other postcards from our area addressed to our new daughters. It is fun to get mail from all over the world.

Our friends Wes and Val have finally gotten their dossier done and sent in to China. We were hoping to travel together, but they will probably be a couple months behind us. They are asking for twins-how awesome!

There are some nasty rumors that referrals are now going to 7 months. I am not going to believe it until I see that actually happening and it is closer to our referral time-like August or September.

Well I am going to quit rambling now.


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