Sunday, January 15, 2006

Where will our trip take us......

Here is a map of China. We will be starting out in Beijing. You will find that in the northern section in green surrounded by blue. We will be in Beijing for about two days visiting the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Tiennamen Square. We will also use this time to get accustomed to the 13 hour time difference. Next we will travel to Guangxi. That is in the southern part of China. You will see it in the teal color. This is the province that Olivia is from. We will spend about 5-6 days in this area doing the adoption paperwork on the China end and getting aquainted to our new daughter. We will get to do some sightseeing and shopping while here also. From there we will travel southeast to Guangzhou which is located in the Guandong province (in yellow right next to Guangxi). We will be very close to Hong Kong. While here we will finish the US side of the adoption and receive Olivia's visa to travel home. We will be here for about 3-4 days. From there we will travel home. The whole trip should take about 12 days.

Here is another map. This also shows the province where Olivia is from. We will be very close to Vietnam while staying in Guangxi.

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